Dental Implants

(909) 902-9100

Superior Quality Dental Implants in Chino

If you are missing one or more teeth, you know how it can impact your confidence, health, and bite function. Dental implants are an effective solution for renewing your smile and improving your quality of life. Delicate Smiles provides sophisticated dental implants in Chino through our state-of-the-art facilities and strong expertise and training.

At our practice, we are committed to staying up to date with the latest dental procedures and technology to help you achieve and maintain your dream smile. Our comprehensive treatment can address every aspect of your needs, so you have the convenience of having all your treatments under one roof. With our modern dental implant services, you can enjoy a wholly renewed smile no matter how many teeth you've lost. Contact our office today to schedule your initial appointment and find out how our Chino dental implants can revitalize your smile!


What Are Dental Implants?

Implants are restorative treatments designed to replace the tooth root of a missing tooth and offer support for dentures, crowns, or bridges. An implant is made of biocompatible titanium, which allows it to fuse with the bone and surrounding tissues over time. Once your implant is completely healed, our dentists will place a custom restoration to successfully fill the space and restore your healthy smile. We use innovative technology like CBCT scanners and computer-guided surgery to provide successful placement and long-lasting results.

Implant Restoration Services We Offer

Dental implant restorations are one of the most versatile ways of transforming your smile. Our dental implants in Chino can replace multiple missing teeth, all teeth, or a single tooth as you need. Some of the implant restorations services we provide patients include:

Implant-Supported Crowns: Implant-supported crowns restore the function and strength of the tooth. Implant crowns are not placed on the natural tooth but on the dental implant. Implant-supported crowns are perfect for people missing a single tooth and can be placed on the upper or lower jaws.

Fixed Bridges: Implant-supported bridges help to replace multiple missing teeth within a row. An implant-supported bridge is secured into position by dental implants instead of relying on neighboring teeth. With bridges, you can replace up to four teeth in a single row with just two dental implants.

Full or Partial Dentures: Implant-supported dentures are ideal for people with significant tooth loss. Full dentures replace an entire arch, while partial dentures are designed to fit around any healthy teeth you still have. The prosthetic is secured into position by strategically fitted dental implants. The number of implants used will vary depending on the state of your jawbone and other factors, with the average being 6-8 implants for a full dental arch.

All-on-4® Dental Implants: At Delicate Smiles, we also offer All-on-4, a specialized solution for complete dentures. This implant restoration involves the placement of four implants to support a full-arch denture. The precise placement and angle provides full stability without additional implants. Our dentist will provide a comprehensive exam to determine if you qualify.

Am I a Good Candidate for Implants?

At your initial consultation, our team will assess whether you are a good candidate to receive dental implants in Chino. We'll perform a complete examination of your mouth and remaining teeth to determine the extent and nature of your current dental problems.

We use a CBCT scanner to evaluate your mouth in three dimensions. This machine provides detailed images of your oral structure, including the teeth, bone, soft tissue, blood vessels, and nerve pathways. With these digital images, we can determine your eligibility and find the best placement for your implants.

We'll also inform you about any treatment needed to stabilize your tooth or gum-related problems. Some of the issues our dentists will look at include:

Overall Health: Since dental implant placement is surgically done, you must be in good general health for proper healing and to minimize surgical complications.

Oral Health: Your mouth should be generally healthy and your gums free of periodontal disease, as oral health issues could affect the longevity of your dental implants.

Bone Density: For implants to successfully integrate with the jawbone, adequate bone quality, quantity, and density is essential. If your bone density, quality, or quantity is wanting, we'll recommend the necessary pre-treatments to prepare your mouth for dental implants.

Pre-Treatments for Dental Implants

If you do not have adequate bone to support dental implants, bone grafting can help. Our dentists graft supplemental bone material into deficient areas to strengthen the bone and provide a stable base for dental implants. We also offer sinus lifts to supplement a thin jawbone in the upper jaw.

Our dental team is committed to preserving your natural teeth whenever possible. We will perform root canal therapy to preserve infected or damaged teeth. However, in cases where the tooth is not salvageable, we will perform gentle extractions and replace the missing teeth with dental implants.

Making Your Dental Implant Placement Comfortable

dental implants in ChinoOur dentists know that oral surgery can sound intimidating. We do everything we can to help you feel comfortable and confident in your treatment. Our team will take the time to explain your dental implant options and details of the process. We'll answer all your questions in a way that's easy to understand so you can make informed decisions about your care.

During your implant placement, we'll use a combination of local anesthetics and dental sedation to help you relax and maximize your comfort. We can offer both nitrous oxide and oral sedation according to your needs. We can also provide general anesthesia if required.

Transform Your Smile with Dental Implants in Chino

If you are looking for ways to eliminate gaps left by missing teeth, our team at Delicate Smiles can help. With our years of experience placing dental implants, we have helped patients restore their smiles, confidence, and hope. You can rely on our team to help you achieve your dream smile and eliminate the problems associated with missing teeth. Book your appointment with our dentists to find out whether dental implants in Chino are the ideal solution for you!


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Healthy Smiles

What does your smile say about you? Let us help you radiate confidence with a healthy smile.



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